Mohorovich v. Khulow and LPL Financial LLC - Seven figure settlement (precise amount confidential)

Suit against broker who ripped off octogenarian results in settlement restoring all her losses (seven figures), and $6 million judgment against broker individually.

Mary Mohorovich was a kind woman in her 80s who worked all her life and was in an assisted living facility.  Her broker had taken advantage of her.  Other firms looked at her case and estimated her damages in the several-hundred-thousand-dollar range.

When she arrived at CK&C, however, Mr. Commins and Mr. Wallis realized that those other attorneys had not seen the whole picture.  They traced all her assets and found her losses to be in the seven figures.  They sued the broker and his firm in Mohorovich v. Khulow and LPL Financial LLC in October 2016 and settled in mediation in July 2017 with the return of all Ms. Mohorovich’s lost income and assets, restoring her dignity and affording her the ability to meet the substantial financial obligations of continued institutional care.   (They also obtained a default judgment against the broker individually for over $6 million in April 2017.)


Fenton v. Pillar Wealth Management- $908,000 Arbitration Award